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Makenna Ben
Makenna Ben
Linda has been helpful with my German.
Nati Sineiro
Nati Sineiro
Very flexible times and teachers. Thank you!
Andreas Oliver Eggimann
Andreas Oliver Eggimann
Competent and friendly tutors who work through topics in an understandable way that were not covered at school.
Olga Eggimann
Olga Eggimann
The teachers are very professional and respond to the students' needs. We are very satisfied.
Ilaria Di Ciccio
Ilaria Di Ciccio
We contacted MYTUTOR Basel for our German subject and my 10-year-old daughter was super happy to have lessons with Ms. Widmer. She was very welcoming and friendly from the start and I can only recommend her.
R. Bucher
R. Bucher
Our son makes a motivated impression. We are very satisfied with the teacher. Above all, we find it extremely positive that she has agreed to help him study for an exam at short notice.

Homework help in Basel

In homework help, students are assisted by a teacher in completing their homework and preparing for exams. Homework help takes place twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. From 5:15 p.m. to 6:45 p.m., students can complete homework or study for exams and receive assistance from a teacher. Students bring their own materials and can decide for themselves how long they would like to stay.

This offer is primarily aimed at children and adolescents who need assistance in completing their homework and do not receive it elsewhere. Our educational institute tries to develop long-term competencies with the students and prepare them for independent learning.

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Homework Help Basel Course Calendar

Course calendar for homework help in Basel

Day Time
Tuesday 17:15 - 18:45
Thursday 17:15 - 18:45

* Other dates by appointment. Lesson times and duration in private or semi-private lessons can be arranged flexibly and individually.

How much does homework help cost?

For already registered students who attend at least 4 lessons per week, homework help is free of charge. For all others we charge a contribution towards expenses of CHF 5.- per lesson.

Trial lesson without obligation

Visit a trial lesson of 2 lessons without obligation and convince yourself!